Atomic City death ray,mind control,beam,ray,gadget,device,machineGadgets and Gizmos from the show Atomic City
atomic city gadget top
Atomic City turbine jet carblack car designed by Bartcarcom with Jeff MacKaymind reading orb
Atomic City mind control death ray beam gadget device machine thingy
drinkmasterflying car
kitchencomgarage door
atomic city gadget bottom
monorails monorailrobotic arms in the cleaners
Isetta Isseta Iseta Issettaflying diner
Stans home, pad, houseTunomatic, TuneomaticTiki,tikicom,Tiki-comcar,drink,dispensing,machine,gadget,arm,device






Music by
Jeff Victor

ATOMIC CITY, THE HOTTEST SHOW UNDER THE SUN ! Atomic city is Registered 1997,2000,2003 Atomic City is created by Markus Rothkranz ©1997,2006 Atomic City is a project of Astro Films LLC All Rights Reserved Atomic City- Martinis, Bikinis and UFO's baby! The retro show of all retro showa. Live the Atomic City dream. Atomic City is loosely based on what we thought the future was going to be like in the sixties (60's 60s).This page shows some of the wild and crazy gadgets and gizmos from the show. Lots of robotic arms, robot gizmos and gadget devices. Every mechanical device is creatively funny and clever. Who knows what kind of gadgets and gizmos and devices will be on this wild and crazy show! Sit back and enjoy Atomic City!
The materials on this website are not to be sold, traded or distributed in any way. Any copying, manipulation,publishing or other transfer of these materials, except with verified permission from Astro Films, LLC, is strictly perhibited. Music used on this site is for testing purposes only. If audience response is positive, the composers will be used on the show.

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